Glenn & Amber Schworm have appeared on numerous podcasts. We want to make sure that their appearances show up on the Home Flipping Workshop website so people have a chance to hear more from them.
This tutorial shows how to add their podcast episodes to and the steps necessary to make sure it shows up properly.
Step 1: Log in to Home Flipping Workshop
Visit and find the Posts in the left column and select Add New.
Step 2: Add Podcast Title, Following the Pattern
The title of the post should be in the following pattern.
Talking Loud Podcast with Nathan Trufino
Name of the podcast — Podcast — with — Name of Host
So name of the podcast is “Talking Loud” and host is “Nathan Trufino”.
In some cases you will not have a host name so you can omit the host name if there is none. In other cases, it won’t technically be a podcast so you can omit the word “Podcast” if it isn’t a podcast.
Step 3: Embed Show Media
Most podcasts players will have an embed code… not a share link where you bounce over to another page, but an embed code where it will show the player on your post page. That’s what we want.
Sometimes the link provided will link to a page that does not have an embed code. In this case you can search Apple Podcasts or Spotify for the episode and snag the embed link from there.
Copy that code and inside of the post screen, add the HTML Block and paste the code in the HTML Block.
Embed Code from Apple Podcasts
Embed Code from Spotify
Step 4: Add Episode Content or Description
Copy whatever description exists for the podcast. Sometimes the link you’re provided is to a website that has a longer show note post. Sometimes it’s directly to a podcast player that has a short description. Get what you can and post it below the HTML code.
Step 5: Assign Podcast Category
Checking this box will force the podcast to appear in the appropriate places across the internet.
Step 6: Add Podcast Artwork Image
Typically, you can find the podcast artwork by searching google for “Podcast name artwork”.
When you find the image, save it to your computer and title it the equivalent of “masters-of-wealth-with-johnny-wimbrey”. This helps with Google search engine optimization.
In the event the image downloads as a webp image, you’ll need to convert to JPG or PNG.
Once you find and save the image, return to your post and upload the image in the Featured Image section.
Step 7: Assign Publish Date
If you’re updating old podcasts, assign the date to the month and year when they occurred, if you need to guess, guess as best you can.
If you’re adding new or recent podcast episodes there is no need to backdate. You can publish with the current date.