Faithful & Fruitful Training Days are filmed live via webinar and then made available on demand. This tutorial walks you through each step to repeat for every new Training Day event.
Create Drip Tags
Log in to Faithful & Fruitful Drip and navigate to People > Tags.
Create registered tag, attended tag, and purchased tag.
Duplicating & and Updating Drip Workflows
Still in Drip, Navigate to Workflows > Workflows (not rules).
There are two steps in Workflows we are going to take right now.
Duplicate Purchase Workflow
Update Registered Workflow
Duplicate Purchase Workflow
Update the Trigger, selecting the new Purchase tag we created in the previous step.
Once you’ve updated the trigger, select the email broadcast and then update the broadcast text to reflect the new Training Day details.
Finally, update the title of the workflow to reflect the new name.
Update Register Workflow
When we run only one Training Day at a time we can simply update the previously used Webinar workflow.
Open up the workflow, no need to update the tag (we will send people directly to this workflow from Demio) and then update the tag to the new Registered tag we created in the previous step.
Finally, update the name of the Workflow to reflect the new Training Day.
Make sure the Workflow is turned on and you’re good to go.
Setting Up Demio for New Training Day Event
Demio is what we use for the live broadcast. Visit and login with the credentials.
Select Add New Event > Standard
Add all the details including event name and schedule.
Integrate Drip
Customize > Integrations > Drip
Account = Faithful & Fruitful
Integration Type = Workflow (the one we updated in the previous step)
Setup Custom Code
Right now, all you need to do is add the Google Tag Manager Code to all four pages in the Head.
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
Registration Page
Come back to this section when you have a background image, description, and social sharing information.
For now:
Add Subheading
Add Featured Presenters
Use this description for Luke Simmons:
Luke Simmons is the Lead Pastor of Redemption Church Gateway in Arizona, a church he planted in 2009. He has experience coaching leaders, church planters, and pastors. Luke is certified with CoachNet and Gospel Coach. He has a B.S. in Speech Communication from the University of Illinois and a Master’s Degree from the Missional Training Center, Covenant Theological Seminary’s Phoenix-based Campus.
Prove Source
Log in to and locate the Training Day Notification. We use the same notification for all training days. All you need to do is update where to capture registrations and where to display notifications.
Notifications > F&F Training Day and click on that notification then select Edit.
Track > Where to Capture — Paste your new Demio registration page URL
Display > Where to Display — Paste your new Demio registration page URL
Paste the new Demio registration page link in your browser and you should now see a notification pop up in the lower left-hand corner.