When someone purchases access to Dr. G’s Summer Camp programs, an account is automatically created for them at members.askdoctorg.com and emails are sent out to help them get in to the website and begin accessing the materials.
In the event someone is unable to access their materials, here are instructions for the specific scenarios.
Confirm Access In ConvertKit
If someone purchased the course but is saying they do not have access, the first step is to confirm the appropriate tag is assigned to their account.
In this screenshot below, you’ll see that this contact DOES have the correct tag AND was sent the confirmation emails.
NOTE: If the user DOES NOT have the tag, you will need to click the + button in the tag section on their profile and add either the overnight or daycamp tags.
- purchased-course-staff_training_overnight
- purchased-course-staff_training_daycamp
Confirm A Membership Account Is Setup
The next step is to confirm their membership account is setup.
- Visit members.askdoctorg.com and login
- Navigate to Users
- Search for the user based upon their email address
In the screenshot below you can see that the user we are looking for does have an account created.
If they did not have an account created, you would click the Add New User option and then add in their details, making sure the email address matches the email address in ConvertKit.
Because this user does have an account, the next step is to manually create a password for them.
Manually Crete A Password for WordPress Membership Account & Notify User
Click on the user in the WordPress > User screen. In this case, jami@marimeta.com.
Scroll all the way down to Account Management and click the Set New Password option.
You can set the password to anything you want. Once you do, click the Update User button a the bottom of the screen.
Here is the email you can use to send to the user.
Hi First Name,
I wanted to let you know that I have set your password for you to access your materials on Doctor G's membership website.
You can log in using the information below:
username: customer@emailaddress.com
password: whatever you set for them
Would you please message me back to let me know you were able to login and access your materials?